Monday, June 27, 2005

Day of the Baby

I'm working out some of the kinks on this blog with a friend who's brought her baby over for a test run with a new babysitter -- my own "baby" -- now fourteen years and five foot five inches. I snigger as I hear the yelps and squawks of misery/outrage/poopiness from the background. This is payback after fourteen and a half years. The babysitter of note was herself quite a trial as an infant; never seemed to sleep, always wanted to be in an upright position, only ever conked out when she was exhausted or strapped in a baby swing going at full speed for an hour or so. Another friend once told me that babies come in one of two varieties: vertical or horizontal. The horizontal ones lie around pretty much like paint cans; the vertical ones struggle, scream, squirm, bellow and insist on being held up so they can look out and see every damn thing that goes by or even just plain exists until you are ready to collapse with muscle fatigue.

Anyway, when she isn't hefting the baby around or getting chiropractor services for the bad back she's going to have from all this, my friend has her own fine blog, which you can view here. Have fun!


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