Tuesday, December 06, 2005

The Sound of Car Horns

Back in India again after three years, this time though with 14 year old daughter in tow. We've been here less than 24 hours; so much is different (ATMs everywhere) so much is the same (the dusty-haired children crowding at the car window, their calls as shrill and various as those of the many birds that populate the quieter Delhi monuments...) Although so many more things must be unfamiliar to my daughter, here in India for the first time, she is remarkably relaxed about all that she sees, and all that sees her: in my Indian role as middle-aged "ma" I am learning to glide between her and the roving bands of young men with nothing better to do than the troll the parks looking for people to annoy. Back where we're staying, she is settling down happily to watch Sponge Bob in Hindi (an experience I've only heard about, but not seen for myself), or to comment in passing (as the channels zip by) how much the soaps here look like the Spanish language station dramas at home. We are feeling alternately energetic and utterly exhausted. The latter sets in now, at nearly 9 pm.....